Proof by example
a productive, educational and experimental farm.
A productive farm at the service of its region
As farmers, our primary mission at Cultive is to help feed our fellow citizens. That's why all the farm's production will be sold in the region, to help strengthen its food resilience.
Coming to the farm
We look forward to welcoming you to our farm soon!
In the meantime, don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest news.
In the meantime, don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest news.
A life-size farm
to accelerate learning
The farm is a real teaching tool for the Cultive training program, enabling learners to put into practice the methods taught and try their hand at market gardening in real-life conditions.
An experimental farm
looking to the future
With climate change, we are aware that our farming practices are and will be increasingly impacted. We need to adapt by constantly experimenting with new, more resilient, water and energy-efficient techniques.